CIO Toolkits & Templates

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IT Budget Management Toolkits for CIO
IT Budget Management Toolkits for CIO

Budgeting is the process of allocating monetary resources to various IT programs. These could range from recurring expenses like hardware leases and staffing to expenses dedicated to a fixed-duration project or initiative. In some companies this is primarily an annual exercise, while other companies might demand budgets for each initiative as it arises.

The IT budget covers hardware, software, personnel, outsourcing, disaster recovery and occupancy costs associated with supporting IT within the enterprise.

We offer these tools to help planning the annual budget in the IT field with ease and efficiency (CAPEX) based formula recoverable investment - ROI, then there watching budget policy to maintain operations and contingency budgets to ensure continuous business operations (OPEX) and make a savings plans, cut IT costs annually.

Toolkit Documents

Below is a list of documents you will find in the toolkit. Click on index file button to see which templates are included.


          Price: $55.00

 File type 

 File name

Part-1. IT Cost And Benefits Analysis

CIO-BG01.Template_ROI Calculator for IT Project.xls

CIO-BG02.Form_IT Cost and Business Revenue Comparision.xls

CIO-BG03.Form_New User License Calculator.xls

CIO-BG04.Form_ROI Calculator for Hardware Purchases.xls

CIO-BG05.Form_Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool.xls

CIO-BG06.Form_Green Data Center Calculator.xls

CIO-BG07.Form_Paper Reduction Calculator.xls

CIO-BG08.Form_Storage Savings Calculator.xls

CIO-BG09.Guidance_ROI Guide for Document Management.doc

CIO-BG10.Template_Workstation & Peripherals Cost Reduction Assessment.xls

CIO-BG11.Rules_Personal Computer Budget Rule.xls

CIO-BG12.Form_TCO Cost Savings Comparison.xls

CIO-BG13.Guidance_Seven Steps to Winning Budget Approval.doc

CIO-BG14.Form_Billing Calculator.xls

Part-2. Opex Budget Planning

CIO-BG01.Form_IT Operating Budget.xls

CIO-BG02.Form_IT Cost Saving Plan.xls

CIO-BG03.Form_Software License Budget Plan.xls

Part-3. Capex Budget Planning

CIO-BG01.Form_ IT Capital Budget.xls

CIO-BG02.Form_Capital Budget Using Plan.xls

CIO-BG03.Form_Capital Expenditure Request.xls

CIO-BG04.Form_Hardware Capitalization.xls

Part-4. IT Budget Monitoring & Report

CIO-BG01.IT Budget Monitoring.xls

Part-5. IT Budget Presentation (Slides)

CIO-BG01.Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery.ppt

CIO-BG02.Build, Optimize, and Present a Risk-Based Security Budget.ppt

CIO-BG03. IT Budget that Demonstrates IT Value Delivery.ppt

CIO-BG04. Reduce IT Admin Risks and Costs with Privileged Access Management.ppt

CIO-BG05. Mitigate Costs & Maximize Value with a Best-Fit Backup Architecture Strategy.ppt

CIO-BG06. Review Microsoft Licensing to Save.ppt

CIO-BG07. Reduce Costs Through Printer Consolidation.ppt


Price: $55.00

Date File Updated 10/10/2023
File Format pdf, xls, doc
No. of files 29 Files, 5 Folders
File download size 13.9 MB (.rar)
Language English

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